The Institute of Sacred Music invites you to provide information on the music instruction programs offered by your church for members of the community. Completion of this survey indicates your permission for the Institute to post a profile on its website.

We thank you for your participation in the Parish-Based Music Schools Initiative.

Question Title

* 1. Name of Church

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* 2. Name of Program/School

Question Title

* 3. Location (City, State)

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* 4. School or church website address

Question Title

* 5. Name of Primary Contact

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* 6. Title/Position

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* 7. When did your music instruction program start (what year)?

Question Title

* 8. What type of instruction does your program offer and for what age groups? (Check all that apply)

  Pre-K Elementary Middle School High School Adults
Individual instrumental or voice instruction
Group music classes
Instrumental ensembles
Visual Art classes
Dance or Movement classes
Theater/Drama classes

Question Title

* 9. If you offer individual lessons, how many instruments are taught?

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* 10. What is your rate scale for individual lessons of the following lengths:

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* 11. Do you provide scholarship assistance?

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* 12. How many teachers do you employ?

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* 13. Are teachers employees of the church?

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* 14. How many students did you serve in the past year?

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* 15. What is the age range of your students?

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* 16. What percentage of your students are NOT members of or affiliated with the parish/congregation?

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* 17. How many days per week do you provide programs?

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* 18. Would you like to receive information about future opportunities and resources related to the ISM's Parish-Based Music School Initiative.

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* 19. If you are aware of other churches in your area or elsewhere that offer music instruction, we would like to know about them. Please provide the church's name and/or contact information. Thank you again!