PLEASE NOTE: Answers to questions 14-19 should include a minimum of 150 words.

Question Title

* 1. Full Name

Question Title

* 2. Employer

Question Title

* 3. Work email

Question Title

* 4. Position title

Question Title

* 5. Phone 

Question Title

* 6. Business Address

Question Title

* 7. If your organization is a nonprofit (skip if not applicable), please select the following that applies:

Question Title

* 8. If your business is a small business, meaning 14 or fewer employees, (skip if not applicable), please select the following that applies:

Question Title

* 9. If you are a member of West YP (skip if not applicable), please select the following that applies:

Question Title

* 10. If you are a member of the Latino Trade Network (skip if not applicable), please select the following that applies:

Question Title

* 11. If you are a member of the Latino Trade Network (skip if not applicable), please select the following that applies:

Question Title

* 12. How did you hear about WDMLA?

Question Title

* 13. How many years have you been in the West Des Moines area?

Question Title

* 14. Please describe your career plans and aspirations. 

Question Title

* 15. How would you describe leadership? 

Question Title

* 16. What leadership roles have you held and how have you demonstrated leadership in your own work?

Question Title

* 17. Why do you want to be a part of the West Des Moines Leadership Academy?

Question Title

* 18. How do you expect the Leadership Academy to enhance your future opportunities to lead yourself, lead others and lead within your community?

Question Title

* 19. Please describe how you have become involved in the communities which you have lived and worked, including volunteer work, work with charitable or municipal organizations. How do you plan to become more involved with the West Des Moines Community?

Question Title

* 20. Upload your resume.

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Question Title

* 21. Upload recommendation letter 1

*If your recommendation letters are not currently available, you may email them to 

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Question Title

* 22. Upload recommendation letter 2.

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