Job Seeker ~ Registration Form ~ February 26, 2020

Wednesday, February 26, 2020
1:00pm to 4:00pm
Dayton Convention Center
22 E. Fifth Street
Dayton, Ohio 45402

Question Title

* 1. First Name:

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* 2. Last Name:

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* 3. Social security number: (this information will not be sold or shared with anyone outside agency)

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* 4. Date of Birth:

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* 5. Address:

Question Title

* 6. County:

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* 7. What is your gender?

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* 8. Race:

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* 9. Citizenship:

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* 10. Primary Language:

Question Title

* 11. If Military, which of the following describes you?

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* 12. How did you hear about the Job Fair?

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* 13. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

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* 14. What is your current source of transportation?

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* 15. Which of the following categories best describes your employment status?

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* 16. Which types of jobs are you interested in?

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* 17. Would you like to have your resume reviewed?