Question Title

* 1. Who should be the audiences for the Museum and Cultural Center? Please rank in order of importance.

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* 2. Should the Museum and Cultural Center be…

Question Title

* 3. What types of leisure, entertainment and cultural activities do you currently participate in? Please select all that apply.

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* 4. What type of things might encourage you to visit a Museum and Cultural Center in Santa Clarita more often? Please rank the following.

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* 5. What times of day might you be more likely to visit the Museum and Cultural Center? Please rank the following.

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* 6. On what topics should the Museum focus? Please rank the following.

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* 7. What kinds of activities would you like to experience at the Cultural Center? Please rank the following.

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* 8. How long might you expect to stay at the Museum and Cultural Center for each visit?

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* 9. Should the Museum and Cultural Center have a snack bar or a small cafe?

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* 10. Is there anything you'd like to share with the planning team?

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* 11. Please enter your Zip Code (Optional)