Museum and Cultural Center Feasibility Study Question Title * 1. Who should be the audiences for the Museum and Cultural Center? Please rank in order of importance. Question Title * 2. Should the Museum and Cultural Center be… A cultural resource for Santa Clarita Valley residents A destination attraction for visitors from outside of the Santa Clarita Valley Question Title * 3. What types of leisure, entertainment and cultural activities do you currently participate in? Please select all that apply. Parks and recreation areas Classes (e.g. dance, art) Art exhibitions City events, such as SENSES Movies (in theaters) Community Center programs (e.g. “Celebrate”) Sports & martial arts Concerts and performances Farmer’s markets Visits to other museums Visits to the library Amusement parks Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What type of things might encourage you to visit a Museum and Cultural Center in Santa Clarita more often? Please rank the following. Question Title * 5. What times of day might you be more likely to visit the Museum and Cultural Center? Please rank the following. Question Title * 6. On what topics should the Museum focus? Please rank the following. Question Title * 7. What kinds of activities would you like to experience at the Cultural Center? Please rank the following. Question Title * 8. How long might you expect to stay at the Museum and Cultural Center for each visit? 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 or more hours Question Title * 9. Should the Museum and Cultural Center have a snack bar or a small cafe? Yes No Question Title * 10. Is there anything you'd like to share with the planning team? Question Title * 11. Please enter your Zip Code (Optional) Done