Question Title

* 1. Please provide an overall rating of the FSR Stakeholder Meeting held on August 7, 2019 in Tampa

Question Title

* 2. Please rank each of the meeting aspects listed below indicating your preference: MOST liked = 1 and the LEAST liked = 6

Question Title

* 3. Please indicate which of the following describes your experience during the lunch awards

  agree disagree
I enjoyed having lunch while awards were being distributed
I was able to network and mingle with colleagues during lunch
I would rather have a break from the meeting and have quiet lunch
I would like to hear a presentation during lunch

Question Title

* 4. Which best describes your experience during the panel sessions

  agree disagree
The discussions were engaging
The topics were timely and interesting
The panelists were knowledgeable
I learned something new
The amount of time allotted for discussion was just enough
I left the meeting seeking more information on the topics discussed
I would like to continue the conversation on these topics (through the listserv, quarterly calls, next meeting)

Question Title

* 5. Please rank each of the meeting panel sessions listed below indicating your preference: MOST liked = 1 and the LEAST liked = 3

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* 6. Please rank each of the possible 2020 meeting locations listed below indicating your preference: MOST liked = 1 and the LEAST liked = 5

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* 7. Please provide your suggestion (s) for hospital performance awards to consider for next year

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* 8. Please provide your name and contact (optional)