MCR Innovation Initiative wants your ideas

Do you have an idea that would help Bruce Power condense the Major Component Replacement (MCR) refurbishment schedule, decrease costs, or lower dose rates? Submit your ideas today!

Bruce Power’s Major Component Replacement (MCR) Program wants your ideas and lessons learned. The “MCR Innovation Initiative” is launching this month in an effort to crowdsource ideas for all future refurbishments.

“We’re asking for submissions that could lower our costs, shorten the refurbishment schedule, and reduce dose exposure,” says Jeff Phelps, Vice President of Major Projects. “We are committed to improving our performance as we move through our refurbishment schedule.”

Bruce Power is inviting industry stakeholders, vendor partners, and nuclear workers from around the globe to submit ideas that will influence processes, procedures, and the execution of work.

“We’re not just looking for ideas that can be implemented in the station,” says Phelps. “We want to hear how you’d innovate to reduce supply chain costs, influence logistics processes, or perhaps improve our training practices.”

To submit your idea, fill out the SurveyMonkey form below. All submissions will be confidentially reviewed by an internal panel. If an idea qualifies for the initiative, you will be contacted by a member of the MCR team.

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