Individual Committee Suggestions Form

Please use this form to suggest members for MAA committees. You may enter one suggestion per visit to this page. Self-nominations are welcome! If you wish to make more than one suggestion, simply submit this form and you will automatically be re-directed to the page to submit another suggestion.

A listing of the MAA councils is given on our website at Please note that you must be logged in to your MAA account to access the full committee listing using the button at the bottom of that page..

Before entering your suggestion, please provide the following information about yourself:

Question Title

* 1. Nominator's Name

Question Title

* 2. Nominator's Affiliation

Question Title

* 3. Nominator's Email

Question Title

* 4. Nominee for Committee

Question Title

* 5. Is this person a member of the MAA? (MAA committee members must be members of the Association)

Question Title

* 7. Please provide additional information: why are you suggesting this person, e.g., a sentence or two about the person's qualifications in the area of the committee's charge.

Question Title

* 9. Mathematical field (broadly)

Question Title

* 10. Nominee's employer 

Question Title

* 11. Employer's website

Question Title

* 12. Gender Identity

Question Title

* 13. Race

Question Title

* 14. Ethnicity