Overview of reviewed qualifications

The Retail Butchery Qualifications have been reviewed. Skills4Work will be developing qualification programme(s) to allow people in the Retail, Halal and Wholesale Meat Industry to achieve the reviewed qualifications.
We require feedback from a range of stakeholders (including you). This will allow the qualification programme(s) to effectively meet industry needs.

New Zealand Certificate in Butchery (Level 3)
This qualification is aimed at staff who are not butchering and are starting, or already working, in a retail meat operation. This will give these individuals the skills and recognition for their work around tasks completed in butchery, for example wrapping and labelling trays or produce mince or both. They will also gain knowledge and skills around customer service, food safety and its application in the industry). It can be used as an introduction to butchery and can lead into higher qualifications (such as the New Zealand Certificate in Butchery Level 4).

New Zealand Certificate in Butchery (Level 4) with optional strands in carcass breaking and boning, handcrafted sausages, and curing and smoking.
This qualification is for employees who wish to develop the skills of a butcher and with optional strands.

New Zealand Certificate in Butchery Operational Management (Level 5)
A new and exciting qualification that gives career pathway opportunities and recognition for the qualified trade butcher.
This new qualification is aimed at employees looking to gain understanding and develop skills required to calculate yield, manage teams and run a butchery operation.

Please take your time to answer the questions and give feedback where applicable.

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1. What is your role in the industry?

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2. How long have you been involved in the industry

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3. What area of the retail meat industry do you represent?

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4. How many retail meat employees do you employ?

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5. What challenges does the retail butchery industry currently face?

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6. What changes or improvements would you suggest for butchery training and assessment to better meet stakeholders' needs and support the industry's future growth?

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7. What specific skills or topics would you like to see in the Level 3 (now includes Halal and Wholesale Butchers)?

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8. What specific skills or topics would you like to see in the Level 4 (now includes Halal and Wholesale Butchers)?

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9. What specific skills or topics would you like to see in the Level 5 (New Butchery Operational Management)?

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10. Is there any area of skills or topics you believe is either less relevant or won't exist in the butchery trades future?

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11. Do you believe there is a need for workshops?

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12. Would you send your apprentices to attend workshops?

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13. Should workshops be optional?

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14. How many workshops per year do you think apprentices should attend?

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15. How many days should a workshop be?

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16. Would you want unit standards/assessments completed at workshops?

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17. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions regarding the training and assessment in the retail butchery industry

100% of survey complete.