Have your say

We believe it is important to provide opportunities for the community to be involved in DEW's work so we'd like to hear from you on how well we are doing.
Your feedback will help improve the way we provide information and opportunities for the community to have their say about our work.

Question Title

* 2. Overall, how effective were the ways we provided for you to have your say, eg YourSAy website, emails, events?

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* 3. Overall, how useful was the information we provided to you?

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* 4. Overall, how easy to understand was the information we provided to you?

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* 5. Do you feel you had enough opportunity for your ideas to be heard?

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* 6. Overall, do you feel we did a good job of involving the community in this work?

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* 7. Do you have any other comments or suggestions for how this engagement could have been improved?

Question Title

* 8. OPTIONAL: If you would like a response to your feedback, please provide your contact details.