Cluster 2 - Being Punctual

"I can't understand why my boss keeps riding me about being a few minutes late every day. I make up the time at the end of the day - I mean, what's the big deal? It's not like anything important happens in the time I'm late. Besides, my boss doesn't understand how busy I am. I have a lot of stuff to do in the morning."

Does this story sound familiar or do you know anyone who acts or feels this way? One thing is certain. Most people, including yourself, live busy lives, but we must learn to take care of priorities. A job, whether we like it or not, is one of the top necessities of life. We need the money we earn not only to enjoy our lifestyle, but also to actually survive.

When employers schedule their work day and plan what is to be accomplished, they need to know they can depend on the people they have scheduled. It is difficult, if not impossible, to plan a day or assignment schedule if you don't know when or if a key employee will show up.

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* 1. This week I have shown I can be a punctual employee by…..........

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* 2. It is important to be a punctual employee because ….....................

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* 3. The consequinces for being late could be ….....................

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* 4. Student Details