Women Specific Mountain Biking Survey

Mountain biking has gained a lot of popularity in the last few years. In addition, there has been a rise of female participation in outdoor adventure sports. I am a female, Recreation Management student at Appalachian State University conducting an evaluation study on women specific mountain bikes and how the design and market for gender specific biking gear is related to one's experience and performance on the trail. You can complete as much or as little of the survey as you desire, you may stop the survey at any time, and your responses will remain confidential if used for research purposes.

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* 1. What is your mountain biking skill level?

Beginner Intermediate - Advanced Expert
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 2. How long have you been riding mountain bikes?

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* 3. Please select all that apply.
I mountain bike for:

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* 4. Please select all that apply.
What type of trails do you ride?

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* 5. What is your preferred riding style?

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* 6. What is your mountain bike brand of choice?

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* 7. What kind of suspension do you prefer?

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* 8. How often do you mountain bike per month?

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* 11. What is your height?

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* 12. What features or components are you looking for in a women's mountain bike?

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* 13. In your own words, what makes a bike women specific? Please explain.

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* 14. If you were to design a mountain bike specifically for you, what would you do to customize it?  Describe.

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* 15. Would you purchase/Do you own a women specific mountain bike?

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* 16. Have you ever demoed, rented, or owned a non-women specific/unisex or men's mountain bike? Did this alter your experience or performance? If yes, please give detail.

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* 17. Additional feedback or comments on women specific bikes and gear: