Livable Hermiston is a community-wide visioning process sponsored by the City of Hermiston.  The goal is to set a road map for the future with input from those who live, work and play in our community. Please take a few minutes now to complete the community survey.

ENTER YOUR NAME IN THE DRAWING FOR A PRIZE! Complete this survey and you will become eligible for a drawing to receive a $25 gift card.

Question Title

* 1. What makes Hermiston special? (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 2. What do you think the community is missing?

Question Title

* 3. Let's imagine: The City of Hermiston has just discovered a historic document from one of Hermiston’s pioneer families that provides a legacy gift of millions of dollars! The sole condition is that it must be spent in the next five years on a community facility that enhances Hermiston’s livability. What would be your top priority for investing this newly discovered gift?