The Queer Composition of America’s Sound

Thank you for attending CSO Listening Lounge: The Queer Composition of America’s Sound! We invite you to take this short survey. Your feedback is extremely important to us, and we read each response.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Email Address

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* 3. Please rank what had the most positive impact on your experience this evening, with 1 being “Most Impactful” and 6 being “little to no impact”

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* 4. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your experience this evening?

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The conversation between Matthew & Dean added to my experience of the event
I was curious about or interested in the topics of the conversation between Matthew & Dean
I had a conversation about the meaning or ideas presented at this event with someone tonight
The social environment added to my experience of the event
I liked being able to move around during the event
This event was different from other arts/cultural events I have attended
I would attend future Listening Lounges with the CSO

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* 5. How did the freedom to talk/socialize with others at any time enhance your experience?

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* 6. My favorite element or moment of the evening was…..

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* 7. One thing I would change about the Listening Lounge is

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* 8. Which of the following event options would be a deciding factor for you in returning to a future CSO/POPS performance? (Select all that apply)

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* 9. Any additional thoughts you’d like to share?