I feel a deep sense of calling to Church service.
I find my work/service to be meaningful.
My gifts, skills, and passions align with my work.
I feel a sense of accomplishment in my work.
My work contributes to my overall sense of well-being.
I have regular practices that contribute to my physical well-being (exercise, diet, rest).
I have regular practices that contribute to my spiritual health (prayer, retreat, scripture study).
I feel a sense of joy or satisfaction.
I have enough time to rest and recover outside of work.
I am able to balance my personal life and my work life.
I feel confident that I can overcome problems and challenges in my work.
I have support systems (family, friends, colleagues) that I can rely on during difficult times.
I feel the support of my supervisor(s).
I feel the support of my team or staff or colleagues.
I often experience feelings of burnout or fatigue.
I often feel emotionally exhausted.
I often feel energized after a typical work week.