The goal of the 2025 Laity Working in the Catholic Church Survey is to understand the life and ministry/service/work of today's lay leaders in parishes, dioceses, and Catholic ministries. Much has changed in the past decade and our survey is a way to understand and interpret the new context by better understanding the people who are engaged in the Church's ministry today. With this understanding, NALM and collaborating Catholic organizations can discern how to provide support, advocacy, and formation for lay people engaged in Church service/work.

The survey is organized into five parts:

1. About Your Life
2. About Your Ministry/Service/Work in the Church
3. About Your Education and Formation
4. About Your Setting
5. About Your Experience

Thank you for completing this survey and contributing to a better understanding of lay ministry today.
1. About Your Life

Question Title

* 1. What is your position/title/role in your ministry/service/work in the Catholic Church?

Question Title

* 2. How do you see yourself?

  Yes No
I see what I do as ministry in my work/service.
I see myself as a lay minister.
I see myself as an Lay Ecclesial Minister (as presented in the US Bishops' document, Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord).

Question Title

* 3. What is your age category?

Question Title

* 4. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 5. What is your relationship status?

Question Title

* 7. Were you baptized Roman Catholic as a child?

Question Title

* 8. Were you raised Catholic?

Question Title

* 9. Were you baptized Roman Catholic as an adult or received into the Church as an adult.

Question Title

* 10. Which of the following best describes your racial or ethnic background?

2. About Your Ministry/Service/Work

Question Title

* 11. Which of the following primarily led you to enter Church ministry/service/work? Check no more than 4 that apply.

Question Title

* 12. How many years have you been engaged in church ministry/service/work (total)?

Question Title

* 13. How would you name your PRIMARY role in Church service (select one) and SECONDARY roles (select up to four)? [For Diocesan Ministry, please select Diocesan as Primary and then your specializations as Secondary.]

  Primary Role Secondary Role
Adult Faith Formation
Care for the Sick
Campus Ministry
Catechesis - All Ages (Lifelong)
Children’s Catechesis
Communication and/or Digital Ministry
Diocesan Ministry
Ethnic / Cultural Ministry
Evangelization and Outreach
Family Life Ministry
Marriage Ministry (enrichment, separated/divorced)
Financial Management
Liturgical Ministry / Music
Marriage Preparation
OCIA Coordinator
Parish Life Coordinator (Canon 517.2)
Pastoral Associate
Pastoral Care
Sacramental Preparation (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation)
Seniors Ministry
Social Justice / Service to the Community
Young Adult Ministry (20s-30s)
Youth Ministry
Bereavement MInistry
Wellness or Mental Health Ministry
Safe Environment Coordination
Addiction Recovery Ministry

Question Title

* 14. How many years have you been serving in your PRIMARY role in your current setting (parish, diocese, campus, etc.)?

Question Title

* 15. Which of the following best describes your ministry/work/service today?

Question Title

* 16. What language(s) do you use in your ministry/work/service?

Question Title

* 17. How many hours, in a typical week, are you involved in ministry/service/work in your setting?

3. About Your Education & Formation

Question Title

* 19. Which best describes your highest level of education?

Question Title

* 20. Please select the one major field of your highest degree.

Question Title

* 21. If you have a second degree, please select the field.

Question Title

* 22. Have you participated in a ministry formation program sponsored by any of the following organizations? Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 23. Do you have or are you in the process of completing any of the following? Check all that apply.

4. About Your Setting

Question Title

* 24. Have you been publicly authorized for your role in any of the following ways?

Question Title

* 25. Do you have a written job description?

Question Title

* 26. Do you have a written job contract?

Question Title

* 27. Do you receive a formal performance evaluation at least every year?

Question Title

* 28. Do you feel free to discuss difficulties and differences of opinion with your supervisor?

  Never Seldom Sometimes (depending on the issue) Usually Always

Question Title

* 29. Are you given sufficient authority to carry out your responsibilities?

  No Seldom Sometimes (depending on the responsibility) Usually Always

Question Title

* 31. How well do the following words describe your ministry/service/work? Rate each one from 1 to 5 with 1=not at all and 5=a lot.

  1 = Not at all 3 = Somewhat 5 = A lot
Gives sense of accomplishment
Spiritually rewarding

Question Title

* 32. For Full Time Ministers: What is your annual salary for this ministry/work?

Question Title

* 33. For Part Time Ministers: What is your annual salary for this ministry/work?

Question Title

* 34. For each type of employment compensation or benefit that you receive from your ministry/service/work (listed below), how satisfied are you?

  Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Not Offered
Retirement or pension
Life insurance
Health insurance
Dental insurance
Paid family leave
Paid sick days
Paid vacation days
Paid retreat days
Funds for a retreat or continuing education
5. About Your Experience

Question Title

* 35. What has been your experience in Church ministry/service/work as a lay person?

  Strongly disagree Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly Agree
I feel a deep sense of calling to Church service.
I find my work/service to be meaningful.
My gifts, skills, and passions align with my work.
I feel a sense of accomplishment in my work.
My work contributes to my overall sense of well-being.
I have regular practices that contribute to my physical well-being (exercise, diet, rest).
I have regular practices that contribute to my spiritual health (prayer, retreat, scripture study).
I feel a sense of joy or satisfaction.
I have enough time to rest and recover outside of work.
I am able to balance my personal life and my work life.
I feel confident that I can overcome problems and challenges in my work.
I have support systems (family, friends, colleagues) that I can rely on during difficult times.
I feel the support of my supervisor(s).
I feel the support of my team or staff or colleagues.
I often experience feelings of burnout or fatigue.
I often feel emotionally exhausted.
I often feel energized after a typical work week.

Question Title

* 36. What are the most significant challenges you face in Church ministry/service/work today? Rate each item from Not Important to Extremely Important based on how important the challenge is for you today.

  Not important Slightly important Moderately important Very important Extremely important
Addressing the diverse needs of people I serve
Addressing the needs of people disaffiliating from the Church
Adequate benefits (medical, retirement)
An adequate salary for my work
Authority to carry out my ministry
Building trust with the people I serve
Clear ministry responsibilities
Collaboration with my senior leader (pastor, director, et al.)
Declining diocesan and parish finances
Facing the challenges of being treated equally as a lay woman in Church work
Having enough resources (finances, materials, facilities) for programs and projects
Having enough volunteers for programs and projects
Having job security in the Church
Impact of diocesan and parish restructuring
Impact of the pandemic on finances, staffing, volunteers, work load, etc.