2026 Update to the Lake County Regional Transportation & Active Transportation Plans

1.Community where you live?
2.What is your age?
3.What is your employment status?
4.Do you have a disability?
5.Do you use a wheelchair?
6.What is your main form of transportation?
7.On average, what percentage of trips do you make using the following modes of transportation?
0% - 10%
11% - 25%
26% - 50%
51% - 75%
More than 75%
Public Transit
Carpool/Ride share
8.If you have school-age children in your household, what forms of transportation do they use? (mark all that apply)
9.What are your typical designations, and how often do you travel there on an average week/month?
1-2 times per month
1-2 times per week
3-5 times per week
6-7 times per week
Medical Appts In-County
Medical Appts Out-of-County
Senior/Community Centers
10.What is the estimated one-way distance for a typical travel trip to work, school, or other appointment?
11.On average, how often do you travel out of the County and for what reasons?
1 trip per MONTH
2-3 trips per MONTH
4-6 trips per MONTH
1 trip per WEEK
2-3 trips per WEEK
4-6 trips per WEEK
Shopping / errands
Medical Appts
Recreational / Social Gathering
12.Please indicate your degree of concern over the following transportation issues.
Very concerned
Somewhat concerned
Not concerned
Not enough bike paths
Condition of local streets and roads
Conditions of State Highways
Traffic congestion
Unsafe streets, roads, or highways
Need for new streets, roads, or highways
Not enough local bus service
Not enough or inadequate sidewalks
13.Please explain any other issues or concerns you feel should be included with regards to future transportation planning in the space below:
14.Respondents must provide an email or mailing address to be eligible for the $25 gift card drawing.