The City of St. Charles is beginning the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan, and we need your input.

The Comprehensive Plan is a guiding document that provides a framework for local decision making and informs the direction of St. Charles' future. The Plan helps guide investment, growth, development, and redevelopment throughout St. Charles, offering a broad vision for the community and specific policies, goals, and strategies for how to achieve that vision.

This survey is intended to provide the planning team with a broad understanding of what the St. Charles Community sees as important opportunities and challenges facing St. Charles and how to prioritize investment and action.

If you have any questions or would like further information about the comprehensive planning process, please contact Andrew Langholz, City Administrator at (507) 932-3020 or via email: If you have any questions about or trouble completing this survey, please contact Rita Trapp, Project Manager at

Question Title

* 1. How do you feel about the quality of life in St. Charles?

Question Title

* 2. How important are the following attributes in your choice to live in St. Charles?

  Very Important Somewhat Important Not Very Important Not Applicable
Grew up here/ Be closer to family
Housing cost
Job opportunities
Natural resources
Rural character
Sense of community

Question Title

* 3. In a word or phrase what is St. Charles' greatest asset?

Question Title

* 4. In a word or phrase what do you think St. Charles needs most?

Question Title

* 5. What rate of growth would be most beneficial to our community?

Question Title

* 6. If you would like to elaborate on your answer above, please do so here.

Question Title

* 7. Rate the following statements based on what is going well, and/or what needs work in St. Charles.

  Excellent Acceptable Needs Work Don't Know
Ease of travel by car
Ease of travel by bike
Ease of walking
Availability of paths and walking trails
Recreation opportunities
Public places where people want to spend time
Variety of housing options
Cost of living
Employment opportunities
Opportunities to participate in social events and activities
Opportunities to be involved in community decision making
Overall appearance
Neighborliness of residents

Question Title

* 8. Below are the goals from St. Charles' current Comprehensive Plan. How relevant do you think these goals are for the future of St. Charles?

  Very relevant Somewhat relevant No longer relevant No opinion
An appropriate balance of conservation and development
Encourage citizen participation
Preservation and enhancement of natural features
Maintain community vitality and character
Sustain a diversity of housing options
Conservation of historical presence of Whitewater Ave
Partnerships with businesses
Priority of being an inclusive community

Question Title

* 9. (Optional) If you could add one goal to the list above, what would it be?

Question Title

Below are examples of housing types. They are some examples of the housing types mentioned in question 10 below.

Below are examples of housing types. They are some examples of the housing types mentioned in question 10 below.

Question Title

* 10. What type of housing do you feel is most needed in St. Charles? Please rank the following options from 1-7 with 1 being the most needed.

Question Title

* 11. What housing types, if any, are missing from the list above that are needed in St. Charles?

Question Title

* 12. Please add any additional thoughts or comments you'd like to share with the planning team.