Welcome! This short survey is a chance for you to tell us (Cancer Council ACT) how we can best support you through our programs. With just a few moments spent responding to some simple questions you can help us create programs that work for you. By letting us know what you are interested in, and why or why not, you can help us better understand how we can serve the community.
If you wish to be notified when our new services are scheduled please complete the personal details section at the end of the survey.

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* 1. We’re considering offering the following new services, please choose the three you are most interested in - these would all be in-person activities led by professional facilitators:

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* 2. What would be your top reasons for trying out some of the new services listed above? Tick up to three

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* 3. How often might you want to be involved in one of these activities

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* 4. What might prevent you trying out some new services and activities?

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* 5. What is the best way we can make it easy and attractive for you to try out some of these services?

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* 6. Cancer Council already has a bunch of excellent online resources. Here in Canberra we’d like to offer some more locally focused online materials such as podcasts and short video clips. Who would you like to hear from?

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* 7. What topics would you be likely to click on and enjoy from Cancer Council ACT?

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* 8. Would you like these programs and services to be extended to your carer?

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* 9. Please let us know a bit about you!   

I identify as:

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* 10. I am aged:

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* 11. Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander?

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* 12. If you’re interested in hearing  more about Cancer Council ACT's new services, please provide us with your contact details below: