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At Callen-Lorde, we use feedback from our patients to make our care better.  We want to know your thoughts on how we are doing and what we can improve!

Please only respond to this survey if you are currently a patient at Callen-Lorde

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* 2. Which Callen-Lorde location do you go to most? 

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* 3. How old are you?

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* 4. Are you part of our HOTT program? (Health Outreach to Teens)

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* 5. Is Callen-Lorde your main medical provider?

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* 6. Which of these best describes your gender?

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* 7. Are you transgender/gender non-binary?

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* 8. Which of these best describes your sexual orientation? (Please choose one)

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* 9. What is your race/ethnicity? (Please choose all that apply)

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* 10. What is your HIV status?

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