English Français English Expressions of interest Capacity building and assessment for QA agencies and developing QA systems: agency reviews, consultancy visits and follow-up visits The principal aim of HAQAA3 Agency Reviews is to support the development of quality assurance agencies in line with the African Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ASG-QA) and to enhance the implementation of external quality assurance. This form aims at collecting expressions of interest from quality assurance agencies or ministries responsible for QA in HE that would like to undergo a review under the HAQAA3 initiative so that it can be adequately organised in the coming years. However, it does not constitute a firm commitment to undergo a review — upon submission, you will be contacted by the HAQAA implementing team to discuss further involvement in this exercise. Likewise, please consider the actions that the agency/ministry will have to commit to: Plan for sufficient resources to undergo the review. For the HAQAA3 agency reviews and consultancy visits, the direct costs (travel and accommodation for external reviewers) are covered by the HAQAA3 Initiative. However, agencies/ministries should still ensure that they have sufficient human resources for the preparation and implementation of the exercise. Plan to nominate 2-3 staff members who will participate in the capacity building before the review exercise. Commit to the preparation of the Self-Assessment Report (SAR), as per the ASG-QA guide, which should be an analytical, reflective, self-explanatory and self-standing document giving a precise picture of the current operations of the agency. Plan and organise, in collaboration with the HAQAA3 team, the schedule and logistics of the site visit (including inviting the interviewees) - costs related to the venue for the site visit will be covered by the agency/ministry. Commit to an openness and integrity throughout the process. Commit to the publication of the review results on the agency/ministry and the HAQAA3 websites. Please find more information about HAQAA3 Agency Reviews and the review options available here. Please read carefully this document before completing the form. Question Title * 1. Organisation type Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education Ministry with responsibility for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Question Title * 2. Name of the agency/ministry Question Title * 3. Country Question Title * 4. Exercise requested Full agency review Consultancy visit Follow-up visit Question Title * 5. Call in which you expect to participate 2025 (for reviews taking place in 2025-2026) 2026 (for reviews taking place in 2027) Don't know Question Title * 6. Expression of interest signed by the head of the agency/ministry PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only. Choose File Choose File No file chosen Remove File Expression of interest signed by the head of the agency/ministry Please download the Expression of interest template here. Question Title * 7. Contact person for further communication Question Title * 8. Email Question Title * 9. Phone Question Title * 10. Additional comments Question Title * 11. Your data will be processed by ENQA as HAQAA3 partner responsible for the agency reviews: https://www.enqa.eu/privacy-policy/. Do you agree with ENQA's data management and privacy policy? Yes Done