Le Sueur Vision |
Le Sueur's Comprehensive Plan
The City of Le Sueur is in the midst of updating its Comprehensive Plan; a document intended to guide investment and development initiatives over the next 20 years. The City began the project in the Fall of 2016. The Comprehensive Plan is a master plan for the entire City of Le Sueur that defines a vision, set of guiding principles and a framework for how the community develops over the next 20 years.
The planning process provides an opportunity to reflect on how our community has grown over the last several years and explore emerging trends in city planning and community development such as active and healthy living, complete streets, sustainability and energy efficiency at a community level. The plan will address topics such as land use, transportation systems (roadways, bikeways, trails), parks and recreation, economic development and housing strategies, and infrastructure systems.
Over the course of winter and early spring 2016, the City conducted a survey and engaged the community in a “game-board” exercise to identify issues, opportunities and ideas for how our community will grow. We prepared a vision and set of guiding principles that will serve as a “yard stick” to measure future community actions and we have flushed out some of those ideas and have explored concepts for how the community will guide growth and change over the next 20 years.
The planning process provides an opportunity to reflect on how our community has grown over the last several years and explore emerging trends in city planning and community development such as active and healthy living, complete streets, sustainability and energy efficiency at a community level. The plan will address topics such as land use, transportation systems (roadways, bikeways, trails), parks and recreation, economic development and housing strategies, and infrastructure systems.
Over the course of winter and early spring 2016, the City conducted a survey and engaged the community in a “game-board” exercise to identify issues, opportunities and ideas for how our community will grow. We prepared a vision and set of guiding principles that will serve as a “yard stick” to measure future community actions and we have flushed out some of those ideas and have explored concepts for how the community will guide growth and change over the next 20 years.
Virtual Public Workshop
On June 29th, the City of Le Sueur held a community workshop to discuss some of the findings of our work to date (including what we heard from earlier public engagement) and emerging trends in planning and community development. Community members proveded feedback and input into the concepts and ideas that will become the Comprehensive Plan. Community members went through a series exercises on various plan related topics.
On June 29th, the City of Le Sueur held a community workshop to discuss some of the findings of our work to date (including what we heard from earlier public engagement) and emerging trends in planning and community development. Community members proveded feedback and input into the concepts and ideas that will become the Comprehensive Plan. Community members went through a series exercises on various plan related topics.
This survey is being provided as an alternative way to provide input, asking the same questions from the community workshop.