1. Thank YOU for Providing YOUR Unique Perspective

8% of survey complete.
The purpose of this survey is to both gauge your interest in particular Lean In circle topics and to find people to lead on those topics.

The section titles may look familiar as they mirror the titles from Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg.

Some topics are from Lean In sources and others were generated by Linda Brandt.

Please read these instructions:

For each topic, please let us know the following:

Are you interested in a session on this topic either in person or via YouTube? (yes, no, not sure)

If yes or unsure, would you volunteer to lead or assist on this topic? If you're open to either role, you can volunteer for both.

Please don't let geography, lack of expertise or anything else hold you back from "leaning in" in terms of participation or leadership. We are learning and growing together.