Please Take 5 Minutes to Share Your Views on the New Proposed NIH Lyme Disease Research Strategy

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has invited public feedback on tick-borne disease research strategy. will be submitting comments, and we want to include your opinions!

 What kinds of research do you think are most important? Who counts as a patient representative? Should the research funding panel include patients?

This is an opportunity for the patient community to weigh in on its priorities, its concerns, and how the research strategy and funding for research might better include the patient voice.

Please take part if you are a citizen of the United States who is:

    *    A person who has or has had Lyme disease

    *      A family member, caregiver, or friend of a person with Lyme disease

    *      An organization or group representing the interests of patients with Lyme disease

    *     A researcher or scientist who conducts research in Lyme disease

    *     A clinician who treats Lyme disease

The survey should take 5 to 10 minutes to complete. To progress through the survey, please use the following navigation links. Note: You must complete the survey in one sitting. You cannot save it and return to it later.

    --Click the Next>> button to continue to the next page
    --Click the Previous>> button to return to the previous page
    --Click the Exit the Survey Early>> button if you need to exit the survey
    --Click the Done>> button to submit your survey

If you have any questions, please contact me at For more information on, go to 

Thank you for participating!