To help us decide how to spend LCAP money, please take a few minutes to complete the following survey.

The deadline to complete the LCAP survey is Friday, March 29.

What is the LCAP?
School districts in California receive additional money to create support for three specific groups of students:
  • English Learners
  • Homeless/Foster Youth
  • Socio-economically disadvantaged students (those who qualify for free-reduced lunch and/or students whose parents have not received a high school diploma)
School districts create a three-year plan called the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) that identifies how our Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) property tax funds will be used. In 2024-25, SLCUSD will allocate approximately $6 million to improve the academic achievement of these three subgroups.

The LCAP for SLCUSD has three focus areas:
  1. Rigorous, relevant, and engaging instruction and curriculum (high-quality classroom instruction)
  2. Academic Interventions (supports through a Multi-tiered system of support: MTSS)
  3. Create an Intentional Culture of Care (social emotional wellbeing)
View our current school year LCAP overview, and related materials, at
Click the "OK" button to start.

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* 1. I am completing this survey as a SLCUSD (you may take this survey more than once):

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* 2. I am involved with (check all that apply):

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* 3. Do you qualify for the Free/Reduced Lunch Program? (those who qualify as socio-economically disadvantaged/free-reduced lunch and/or students whose parents have not received a high school diploma)

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* 4. Is your student(s) an English Learner?

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* 5. Is your student(s) a foster child or considered homeless?

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* 6. Does your student have an identified disability and Individualized Education Plan (IEP)?

FOCUS AREA 1: Rigorous, relevant, and engaging instruction and curriculum (high-quality classroom instruction)

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* 7. Please rank the top four areas of academic programming that you feel need improvement or continued focus to address the needs of the three groups of students.

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* 8. How else might we improve learning in the classroom?

FOCUS AREA 2: Academic Interventions (supports through a Multi-tiered system of support: MTSS)

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* 9. Our district puts academic supports in place to positively impact student success. Please rank the top four areas that you feel need improvement or continued focus.

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* 10. What ideas do you have to increase support?

FOCUS AREA 3: Intentional Culture of Care (social emotional wellbeing)

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* 11. How can the district focus on emotional-wellness, feelings of safety, and connection? Please rank the top four areas you feel need improvement or continued focus.

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* 12. How else might we support student social/emotional wellness and learning?


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* 13. SLCUSD has had an equity initiative for the last several years. The areas of focus are academics, student well-being, and personnel. Please see the Equity Roadmap for more information.

Our Equity Definition
: Eliminating educational barriers and providing equal educational opportunities for all students to meet rigorous academic standards. 

What ways can we celebrate diversity, equity, and inclusivity throughout our district? How can we eliminate barriers to education for all?