District Presenter Application

The Lower Hudson Regional Information Center is proud to announce its 9th annual TECH EXPO for teachers, directors of technology, and administrators. This all-day conference will be held on Friday April 17, 2015 at the beautiful Edith Macy Conference Center in Briarcliff Manor, NY. This year's event includes three nationally known speakers: Dr. Tony Wagner, Dr. Alec Couros and Jaime Casap. These speakers will be followed by 30 breakout sessions focusing on technology topics of paramount interest to educators and district decision makers.

The LHRIC is seeking qualified presenters to showcase their successful uses of educational technology in the K-12 environment during 50 minute breakout sessions. Please follow the below instructions to complete this online application to present at TECH EXPO 2015.


1. All applications must be submitted online.

2. Questions requiring a response are marked with an asterisk (*).

3. Deadline for application submission is Friday March 27, 2015.

4. Each applicant will be notified via e-mail by Monday March 30, 2015 regarding the result of their submission.

5. If you have any questions, please contact John Hall at jhall@lhric.org.

Thank you for your interest in presenting at TECH EXPO 2015.

Question Title

* 1. Presenter Contact Data:

Question Title

* 2. Please provide a brief biography outlining your qualifications and any previous presentation experience:

Question Title

* 3. Did you present at TECH EXPO 2014 last year?

Question Title

* 5. Session Title:

Question Title

* 6. Session Description: This will appear in the conference brochure (Limit = 75 Words). Write a concise description of your presentation and how it will help educators use technology in meaningful ways.

The LHRIC will provide:
- Table
- Power Strip
- Audio Speakers
- Projector and Screen
- Wireless Internet Access
- Flip Chart and Markers
- Microphone (auditorium only)

Presenters are responsible to bring laptops and adapters for projector connection.

Question Title

* 7. I will bring the following additional equipment:

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* 8. Co-Presenter #1 Contact Data (if applicable):

Question Title

* 9. Co-Presenter #2 Contact Data (if applicable):