Below is an image of the outline for what is being considered as the Kalamazoo River Urban Wildlife Corridor. The following survey questions are regarding this specific area.

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Kalamazoo River Urban Wildlife Corridor Map

Kalamazoo River Urban Wildlife Corridor Map

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* 1. What is your age range?

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* 2. Please indicate your race (you may select more than one)

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* 3. Which municipality do you live in?

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* 4. How often do you visit the Kalamazoo River and its surrounding areas for recreational visits?

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* 5. Using the above map outlining the Kalamazoo River Wildlife Corridor, what is your relationship to this corridor? Select all that apply.

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* 6. How important is preserving and restoring the natural beauty and ecological health of the Kalamazoo River?

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* 7. What are your favorite recreational activities to enjoy along the river corridor?

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* 8. Which of the following improvements are important to you to see along the river corridor?

  Very Important Somewhat Important Neutral Somewhat Not Important Not Important
Provide more non-motorized (trail) connections
Improve/Add more kayak/canoe launches, fishing piers, restroom facilities, parking, picnic shelters, observation areas, etc.
Install Cultural and Historical landmark identifiers
Clean up contaminated soils and repurpose blighted buildings
Preserve existing habitats including wetlands, fens, bogs, forests, etc.
Manage invasive species
Implement infrastructure to reduce and treat stormwater runoff
Create more educational opportunities
Install better signage about safety, wayfinding maps, fishing guidelines, and more
Restore wetlands and streams
Implement better agricultural practices to reduce runoff and sedimentation

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* 9. Are there any specific cultural or historical aspects of the river corridor that should be highlighted?

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* 10. Do you have ideas for future projects in this region that would enhance recreational opportunities for this corridor?

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* 11. Are there specific educational topics you would like to see made available throughout the corridor?

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* 12. Is there anything else you would like to add?