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From Disneyland to the Anaheim Convention Center to Anaheim GardenWalk, there's a lot going on in The Anaheim Resort. The area sees 25 million visitors every year and more than 37,000 people work at resort area businesses.

And it's still growing! There's more than $500 million in new investment planned in coming years. That's why we're working on a plan to make it easier for residents, employees and visitors to get around.

The Anaheim Resort Area Mobility Plan will look at new forms of transportation, better wayfinding signs and other ways to improve mobility in and around the resort. The plan will identify ways to best serve residents, employees and visitors.

We’re looking for impactful, forward-thinking changes that encourage walking, biking and transit while keeping traffic moving and making roadways safe for everyone.

Dear Community Members, please complete the following survey to share your observations of what we should study as part of the Mobility Plan to help us set the stage for how we get around The Anaheim Resort for years to come!

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* 1. What zipcode do you live in?

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* 2. You are a...(please check all that apply)

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* 3. Please rank the following from most important (1) to least important (14) regarding what aspects of mobility the Plan should address:

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* 4. What mobility issues do you see in The Anaheim Resort Area? If you have any photos or videos, please email them to Linda Johnson, Principal Planner, City of Anaheim at ljohnson@anaheim.net.

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* 5. Are there specific locations that need attention? If so, where are they and what is the concern?

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* 6. What ideas do you have to improve mobility in The Anaheim Resort Area?

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* 7. OPTIONAL: Fill this out to stay up to date and a chance to win a $10 gift card!