• Enterprise bargaining has traditionally been a popular option for employers and employees to establish terms and conditions of employment relevant to their workplace.  However, over recent years the number of workplaces utilising Enterprise Agreements has significantly declined.
  • The Federal Government is proposing a review of the process and requirements for making Enterprise Agreements and the impact these are having on employers, employees and the broader community.
  • To help us better communicate these issues to the Government, please take some time to complete this survey regarding your recent experiences.
  • All case studies will be deidentified and no information will be attributed to you or your organisation without your expressed consent. 

Question Title

Approximately how many employees do you engage?

Question Title

Please describe your recent experience with making an Enterprise Agreement. (Please give a general overview of what led you to commence enterprise bargaining, which unions (if any) were involved, how the negotiations went, and what problems/issues you experienced during the approval process)

Question Title

Approximately when did this experience occur? (e.g. November 2017 to July 2018)

Question Title

Can you please identify specific details regarding the problems you experienced during the bargaining and approval processes? (For example, were there particular issues regarding the application of the Better Off Overall Test, concerns over the manner you explained the agreement to employees, who the agreement covered, time taken to approve the agreement, ability to discuss issues with Commission members, etc.)

Question Title

Were these matters resolved, and if so how?

Question Title

What impact has these issues had on your business?  Please provide specific details of how this has occurred, and if there has been a monetary impact please provide an estimation. (For example, has it had an impact on your relationship with employees, restricted flexibility, impacted on your ability to secure work, resulted in increase employment costs, etc.)

Question Title

What impact (if any) has these issues had on your employees? Please provide specific details of how this may have occurred. (For example, has it resulted in a delay in wage increases, affected their trust in management, resulted in job losses, etc.)

Question Title

What impact (if any) has this had on your customers, suppliers, or the broader community? Please provide specific details of how this may have occurred. (For example, has it resulted in a delay in project commencement, prevented you in delivering services to clients, resulted in a loss of employment opportunities, etc.)

Question Title

In 1 or 2 sentences, how would you describe your overall experience with making an Enterprise Agreement?

Question Title

Please provide your contact details to allow us to obtain further insight on the issues you have raised. While we may use your comments in our advocacy activities, no information will be attributed to you or your organisation without your expressed consent.

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey.
100% of survey complete.