Informed Consent

INTRODUCTION: This study is entitled Procreation Beliefs Among College Students. The people directing this project are Maxwell Zimmer and Mark Hayden. Dr. Sharon Claffey is the faculty advisor for the study. This document defines the terms and conditions for consenting to participate in this study.

DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY: You are being asked to participate in an online research study examining college students and their beliefs about having children in regard to the current sociopolitical climate of the United States


Risks: Taking this survey will pose little to no risk to the participant. However, it is possible that someone may experience a small degree of stress or distress when presented with items concerning having and raising a child, ecological decline, and the political environment of the U.S. If participants experience any adverse emotions after taking this survey, they will be directed to contact their schools counseling services or Dr. Sharon Claffey at (413)-662-5353 or by email at for an appropriate referral.

The benefit from the proposed study is expected to come from the information obtained through collected data. Additionally, the proposed study will add to a greater understanding of the moral implications that are involved with deciding to have a child. The data obtained will be important in future research due to the fact that there is a small amount of literature devoted to assessing college aged individuals’ beliefs in having children.

CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION: Participation is voluntary. Refusal to participate will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. Furthermore, you may discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.

CONFIDENTIALITY: In order to uphold the confidentiality of our participants, all information will be password protected within the Psychology Department. Participants will not be asked to provide their names on the consent forms. Potential identifying information will only be available to Dr. Sharon Claffey (e.g. IP address). All personal indicators will be stripped from the original data set before it is analyzed to protect the anonymity of all involved. Any data presented will be in aggregate form.

CONTACTS FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THE STUDY: You may contact Dr. Sharon Claffey at (413)662-5453 or with any questions about this study.

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* 1. I am at least 18 years old

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* 2. I have read and understood the terms and conditions of this study and I hereby agree to participate in the above described research study

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* 3. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I may withdraw at any time without penalty