Thank you for your interest in volunteering!
Please fill out the questionnaire below.

We are requesting that all volunteers commit two to four hours over the week-long review period to read all applications as assigned.
All reviews are done online. You may use a computer, phone, or tablet. 

Question Title

* 1. Full Name

Question Title

* 2. Email Address

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* 3. Organization/Affiliation- This information will help us avoid potential conflicts of interest and/or match volunteers to areas in which they have knowledge.  Ex: Bank ABC, Retired, Professor at X College, Self-employed, etc.

Question Title

* 4. Available Times for Participation

Please let us know which review period(s) you are available.

You can enter and exit the system at your convenience during the review period.

The review periods below are flexible and may vary depending on the scholarship.

Select all that apply:

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* 5. How many applications would you like to review? (Each takes about 10 minutes)

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* 6. Phone Number

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* 7. Volunteer scholarship reviewers are required to agree to and abide by our Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Policy.

Please indicate your acceptance of and adherence to the conflict of interest and confidentiality policy by checking the appropriate box and typing your name and date.
A conflict of interest occurs when the action of a committee member recommending an award may result in direct benefit to a person closely related to the committee member. A conflict of interest may also occur if a committee member exerts influence to select a recipient without considering objective criteria for the scholarship. It is the Foundation's policy to deal with conflicts of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest in as open and appropriate a way as possible.

Scholarship or Award Selection Committee members must be able to make independent decisions without potential or perceived influence caused by a conflict of interest. They must evaluate the eligibility of all applicants without bias and make selection recommendations based on the established objective criteria for the scholarship or award. Committee members shall avoid any situation where personal or business relationships could have, or give the appearance of having, undue influence on the matters under consideration. In case of a potential conflict of interest, the member shall declare the conflict or relationship to the other committee members and refrain from influencing the discussion or decision making process.

Further, committee members may become aware of information regarding scholarship applicants and their families such as household income, grade point average, physical or learning disabilities that should be kept confidential. The committee members may need to take such information into account in selecting students for an award, but the information regarding individual students should not be shared or discussed outside of the selection committee setting.

Question Title

* 8. Areas of Interest- (Optional)
Inform us of any specific areas that interest you so we can potentially match you to a scholarship in the same area, to the best of our ability You may leave this blank if you are open to all areas.
Ex. Medical majors, first-generation college students, LGBTQ populations, Arts, Engineering, Teaching, Hispanic students, Asian students, Business majors, etc.

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* 9. Type your full name to serve as an e-signature confirming your agreement to the above policies.

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* 10. Today's Date

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* 11. If you've reviewed in the past and no longer want to be on our volunteer list, please click here.

Once we receive your response, we will add you to a committee where a volunteer reader is needed. Please know we truly appreciate your willingness to assist.

Please Note- some time may pass between your questionnaire response and follow-up communications from our department as we work our way through the application processing.  We will alert you as soon as we add you to a committee so you are aware of next steps as early as possible.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns.

Thank you for volunteering!
The ACF Scholarship Team