Katy ISD Education Foundation's District-wide Spirit Day, Wednesday, April 2, 2025

All proceeds benefit the Foundation's Inspiring Imagination teacher grants awarded to Katy ISD teachers district-wide.

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* 1. Please provide your information

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* 2. Restaurant agrees to award a good faith, tax-deductible donation to the Katy ISD Education Foundation based on 15% of total sales generated on April 2, 2025, with no customer mention of Katy ISD Education Foundation required.

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* 3. If your participation includes additional locations, please list below

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* 4. Restaurant logos are used for our Dine Out to Donate marketing campaign.  How shall we acquire yours?

The Katy ISD Education Foundation agrees to include Restaurant in pre and post Dine Out to Donate event publicity, including but not limited to, extensive district-wide promotions, social media messaging, invitations to the Foundation's email subscribers.

The Foundation will provide promotional materials to Restaurant and acknowledge contribution with tax receipt.

Dine Out to Donate payment due May 15, 2025
And should be remitted to:
Katy ISD Education Foundation 6301 South Stadium Lane
Katy, TX 77494
Tax Exempt: 80-0732375
For information: foundation@katyisd.org

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* 5. Agreed to by (Restaurant representative)