Thursday, September 12th 

Question Title

* 1. Regarding lateral ventricular size of the fetal brain, measured at the atria, which of the following is true?

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* 2. Ventriculomegaly is defined as:

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* 3. Mothers of fetuses with ventriculomegaly can be counseled as such:

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* 4. Which of the following is an Open Spinal Dysrpahism?

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* 5. Which of the following closed neural tube defects may  develop hindbrain herniataion?

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* 6. Which of the following is often associated with cloaca?

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* 7. Chiari II malformation is defined as:

Question Title

* 8. Fetal MRI plays an essential role identifying which key inclusion criteria for prenatal repair of open spinal dysraphism?

Question Title

* 9. Which of the following findings can be seen in fetuses with ciliopathies:

Question Title

* 10. Please enter your full name.

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* 11. Please enter your email address.

100% of survey complete.