
Welcome to the TARTA Next Service Scenarios Survey!

The purpose of TARTA Next is to evaluate existing transit services in the Toledo area and develop a visionary plan that will guide TARTA service over the coming years. For more information on the project, please visit

TARTA Next has evaluated existing transit ridership, local market conditions, and regional travel patterns. The project team has also gathered feedback from the community through an online community survey, a survey of existing transit riders, public meetings, and ongoing discussions with stakeholders. Using feedback we received during the first phase of the project, the following two conceptual service scenarios have been developed:

Scenario A – This scenario concentrates fixed route service along corridors that have the greatest potential to generate ridership. On-demand transit services are also included that connect to the fixed route network.

Scenario B - This scenario emphasizes less frequent fixed route service throughout the area but expands service to more areas. On-demand transit services are also available but may be less extensive where fixed route service is available.

We now need your input!

The purpose of this survey is to collect your feedback on the two conceptual scenarios and use that feedback to develop a preferred service plan. The preferred service plan will likely contain a combination of recommendations from each of the scenarios rather than a scenario in its entirety.  

Thank you for your interest and as you make comments, please be specific about what you like or do not like!