IMPORTANT: This booking form is for North Sydney schools ONLY. For schools outside the North Sydney are can contact the Coal Loader Coordinator on to discuss your DIY excursion.
The Coal Loader Centre for Sustainability (the Coal Loader) is an exciting place to learn about all aspects of sustainability. The Coal Loader Sustainability Learners Guide provides a valuable resource to schools to participate in outdooor learning experiences through self guided or facilitated excursions. Schools who wish to visit the Coal Loader are asked to book a day with us and to use the online Learners Guide to help them prepare for their visit.
The Coal Loader Sustainability Learners Guide has topics and activities in subject areas such as History, English, Science, Maths and Geography.
Bookings for excursions can be for 2 hours (1 topic) or 4 Hours (2 topics).
Organising Your Day
1. Self Guided Excursion - Visiting teachers can devise their own activities or run activities from the Coal Loader Sustainability Learners Guide.
2. Facilitator Guided Excursions - This option allow schools to engage a facilitator to guide them through their excursion at the Coal Loader. Schools are able to choose their own facilitators or we are able to suggest possible facilitators that you could use.
3. Guided Excursion for North Sydney Council area schools only - This option is for North Sydney schools and provides one free guided excursion per calendar year.
We are able to accept a maximum of 150 students per day although smaller groups are strongly encouraged to facilitate better group interaction, learning outcomes and manageable student numbers for group activities.