Review the information in this section and the scholarship policy by clicking here, prior to completing the application below. 

If you don't meet the scholarship criteria, please contact ALFN at to discuss other options on how you can attend this event.

Scholarship recipients will be approved by the ALFN’s CEO and will be notified within 7-14 days of application approval or denial.  If there are multiple individuals applying for scholarships within your organization, we will need to receive all completed forms prior to approving or denying.

Scholarship recipients are required to arrange your travel so that you are in attendance during the entire conference, starting Sunday July 17 at 5:00 PM and ending Wednesday July 20 at 11:45 AM.

All scholarship levels require a fully refundable deposit equal to 100% of the event registration fee ($595), payable upon registration completion. Deposit refunds will be processed by a check reimbursement within three weeks after the conclusion of the conference and is dependent on the recipient’s full conference attendance and availability to ALFN members during all scheduled conference sessions, dinners/receptions and other scheduled conference events.

An All-Inclusive Scholarship (if approved) includes 1 complimentary registration ($1500 value), 1 complimentary networking activity (~$250 value), Hyatt room reservation for up to the 3 peak nights of the conference ($872.40 value - includes room fee, tax and resort fee), ground transportation credit (up to $120 max), airfare credit (up to $450 max).

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Supervisors Contact Information (list individual who approves your attendance to these types of events, if you self-approve then enter your information).  The sessions and networking events you attend, or don't attend, during the conference will be reported back to your supervisor by the ALFN.  Attendance is tracked by scanning your name badge at each scheduled conference function.  This is to help ensure compliance with our scholarship policy.

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* 3. Which scholarship are you applying for?

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* 4. If you chose Customized Scholarship in Q3 above, then select which of the following that you would need assistance with in order to attend the ALFN conference.

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* 5. Will there by other individuals from within your organization that are requesting a Servicer Scholarship?   We are only able to review this application once all applications from your organization are received.  If approved, each servicing organization is allowed to receive one all-inclusive or customized scholarship, and two registration fee-only scholarships per servicing company.  Or by waiving the all-inclusive or customized scholarship, eligible servicer applicants may receive up to four registration fee-only scholarships per servicing company.  Please touch base with your colleagues to verify which scholarships you will each be applying for within these guidelines.  If you need to make a special request to add additional scholarships or modify the types, please contact ALFN at with the specific details for our review.

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* 6. What work do you currently do with your organization?

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* 7. What is your goal in attending this event (what you would like to get out of your attendance)?

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* 8. Have you attended this event before and, if so, how did it benefit you?

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* 9. Which other conferences do you normally attend in the mortgage servicing industry?

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* 10. Of the conferences you normally attend, do any of them provide scholarships, comp. registrations or other financial funding in order for you to attend?

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* 11. Describe your financial need for assistance, any special circumstances, and why you would require this in order to attend.

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* 12. If this event isn't a budgeted expense for you, do you have any recommendations on anything we can do to have this event included in your budget in the future?

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* 13. How did you hear about the ALFN Servicer Scholarship Program?

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* 14. Are you a servicing manager, executive (or general counsel) or other staff member who is a decision maker or decision influencer as it applies to the selection of attorneys and file referrals?  Required to receive scholarship funds.

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* 15. Do you have any current or anticipated future file volume to refer in any particular state(s) and can meet with ALFN members at the conference to discuss opportunities? This will be used to introduce you to attorneys in states of need at the conference, and information provided will be kept internal with ALFN.

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* 16. Have you participated in any of these ALFN events or activities in the past? Check all that apply.

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* 17. Do you agree to be available to all ALFN Members during all scheduled conference functions, for the duration of the entire conference, to network and attend the educational sessions, meals and networking activities hosted by the ALFN?  Required to receive scholarship funds.

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* 18. Do you agree not to accept invitations from other conference attendees to meet or participate in non-conference events (i.e. meetings, meals, cocktails, activities etc.) during times that would conflict with a scheduled ALFN conference event? Conflicts to avoid would be during any group session, meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner or cocktail reception), group activity (golf, group activities & tours, etc.) or any other event on the conference schedule.  There is ample free time in the schedule to conduct meetings and attend other non-conference functions.  Required to receive scholarship funds.

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* 19. Scholarship recipients are required to participate on panel presentations as invited, where the topic suits your level of expertise, and where your company doesn't restrict you from speaking.  If we need any servicer speakers for this program, would you be available to participate?  If your company restricts you from speaking, please indicate in the comment field below and what other information we can provide to assist with that approval.  

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* 20. Please type your full name here, which indicates that you have read the scholarship policy (Available Here) and you agree to all the terms and conditions of that policy.