Central Virginia Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan Public Survey

Has your home or business been impacted by damage from a natural hazard?  
The Central Virginia Planning District Commission (CVPDC) is working with area communities, and Virginia Tech Center for Geospatial Information Technology (CGIT)  to create a natural hazard pre-disaster plan, or Hazard Mitigation Plan, to establish strategies ahead of disasters to lessen the impact to lives and property from natural disaster events. The CVPDC Hazard Mitigation Plan is being developed to lessen the vulnerability of citizens, critical facilities, infrastructure and property to natural disasters.

Advanced thanks for taking about six (6) minutes to participate in this important survey.  Your participation will assist in developing the regional pre-disaster plan to make our region more resilient to natural disasters.  
1.For this survey, from which Central Virginia Planning District Commission (CVPDC) area participating locality are you responding?
2.Which options below best define your role in the community?
3.Please enter your HOME ADDRESS zip code.
4.How concerned are you about the following natural disasters affecting your community? (Check concern level for each hazard)
Very Concerned
Somewhat Concerned
Not Very Concerned
No Concern
Dam/Levee Failure
Flood (river/stream overflow)
Flood (urban street, stormwater/flash) 
Heat Wave 
High Winds (hurricane, tornado, derecho)
Severe Winter Storm (ice, blizzard)
Source Water Contamination
Urban Fire (large fire/conflagration)
5.Have you been impacted by a natural disaster?
6.Please select the TOP THREE (3) natural hazards you think are the HIGHEST THREAT (likely to cause impact) to your community or neighborhood
7.Which of the following natural hazards have you been impacted by in the last 10 years?
(check all that apply)
8.Have the following types of weather events become more or less common in your community over the past five (5) years, or have they stayed about the same?
Much Less Common
Somewhat Less Common
Stayed About the Same
Somewhat More Common
Much More Common
Don't Know
Extreme Temperatures
High Wind Events 
Severe Thunderstorms
Severe Winter Storms
Flooding Events (river/stream overflow)
Flooding Events (street/flash or stormwater)
9.In your household, has anyone done any of the following natural disaster preparedness activities? (check all that apply)
10.Have you ever received information on how to make your home or business better prepared for natural hazards?
11.Does your street regularly flood or experience sustained puddling during rain events?
12.Is there any supplemental insurance on your property? (check all that apply)
13.How do you receive information regarding severe weather events? (check all that apply)
14.Please use this space to provide any questions, comments, concerns regarding natural hazard, or other hazard, risks or preparedness.
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