This is a research study designed to assess how both gut peptides and behavioral responses to food are related to eating behaviors. This study involves 2 separate study visits, which each occur within a 1 week period.

If you appear to meet our inclusion criteria based upon today’s screening, you will be scheduled for the first study visit at our Sanford Center for Biobehavioral Research building. At the visit, you will be given additional information about the study, and if you decide to participate, you will be asked to sign a consent form. Next, we determine your full eligibility by completing assessments of height and weight, and a series of clinical interviews. If you meet final eligibility for the study you will also be asked to complete a series of questionnaires and computer tasks onsite. All of this is expected to take about 1.5 hours.

At the second study visit, you will be asked to complete a computer task and complete a laboratory meal while having small amounts your blood taken repeatedly via an IV catheter, which is a safe procedure for repeat blood sampling and limits the number of needle sticks. This visit will take place at the Sanford’s Center for Biobehavioral Research and is expected to take about 3.5 hours.

You will also be asked to complete 14 days of surveys using your smart phone as you go about your daily life. Your phone will prompt you to complete a series of brief questions 6 times each day. The total amount of time involved in completing these surveys is 3-4 minutes minutes per survey (about 18-30 minutes per day).

For participation in this research project you will receive up to $500, dependent on how much of the study you complete.

If you are interested in participating in this study, please complete the following questions so we can determine your eligibility. Some of these questions are personal in nature; however, everything we discuss is confidential and will only be shared with research staff directly involved with this study. Completion of this survey implies consent to keep the screening information.

Question Title

* This questionnaire along with your responses will be saved and stored securely as data as a way to assess your potential study eligibility. Are you interested in proceeding with the initial screening to see if you qualify for a screening visit?