100% of survey complete.
We are seeking feedback on your experience of accessing the A to Z of Skin information.Your feedback will be used to help us improve the site. There are 12 questions in the survey. It should only take five minutes to complete.

Your participation is very much appreciated.

Question Title

1. Which of the following categories best describes you?

Question Title

2. What is your age?

Question Title

3. How do you find what you are looking for on A to Z of Skin? (you can select more than one option)

Question Title

4. How do you currently access the A to Z of Skin information? (you may select more than one option)

Question Title

5. How many A to Z topics have you accessed? 

Question Title

6. It is easy to find what I am looking for on A to Z of Skin.

Question Title

7. The A to Z information is easy to read and understand.

Question Title

8. It is easy to print the A to Z of Skin information

Question Title

9. It is easy to share the A to Z of Skin information (Facebook, Twitter, email)

Question Title

10. Do you have any suggestions for improving the way the A to Z of Skin information is written?

Question Title

11. Do you have any suggestions for improving the way the A to Z of Skin information is displayed?

Question Title

12. Are there topics you would like to see included on A to Z of Skin which are not currently there?