Project Management Industry Research

Share your experience as a project professional in hiring, recruiting and training project management team members.

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* 1. When hiring project managers, what is the most important factor for your organization?

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* 2. What is your top project management talent acquisition challenge?

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* 3. How does your organization typically source project management talent?

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* 4. What percentage of your projects require external staffing resources?

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* 5. What's the top challenge in your recruitment process?

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* 6. How many Project Management Resources do you expect to hire in the next 12 months?

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* 7. How many candidates do you typically interview before making a hiring decision?

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* 8. What processes/techniques do you use when selecting project management talent? (Select all that apply)

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* 9. What level of experience do you prefer in project management candidates?

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* 10. What type of projects does your organization typically manage?

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* 11. How long does a Project Management resource typically stay with your organization?

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* 12. What type of project management roles does your organization look for? (select all that apply)

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* 13. What strategies does your organization use to retain project management talent? (select all that apply)

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* 14. What type of training is provided to your project management teams?

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* 15. Who is responsible for funding project management training?

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* 16. How much are you spending on project management training?

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* 17. How would you rate your internal HR team's ability to fill project management roles with qualified talent?

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* 18. Do you utilize any third party project management staffing firms to fill project management roles?

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* 19. What staffing firm have you leveraged for project management staffing support?

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* 20. What is the size of your organization?

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* 21. What industry is your organization?

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* 22. What country are you located in?

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* 23. What best describes your role at your organization?