Please complete the following 3 questions to better understand where your SCARF stands at this time and reflect on how you can enhance it.   Enjoy & Reflect!

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* 1. Rate how your SCARF is being impacted in each Domain

  Highly threatened/unstable at this time Moderately threatened/unstable at this time Neutral Feeling capable at this time Strength for me at this time
Status - perceived reduction or improvement in economic, social, or other status.
Certainty: ability to predict the future or handle ambiguity
Autonomy: being able to exert control over one's environment - feeling of having choices. 
Relatedness: feeling safe/secure in relations with others.  Sense of belonging and being able to collaborate or share.
Fairness:  a feeling that things are transparent and expectations are clear or not

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* 2. Which SCARF Domain(s) is/are your strength area right now?

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* 3. Which SCARF Domain(s) is/are your weakness right now?

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* 4. What actions can you take right now to leverage your Strengths and/or enhance your Weaknesses at this time?

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* 5. What is the ONE action you will you take today to improve your SCARF?

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* 6. Would you like a copy of the results of this survey?

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* 7. If you replied yes to the above question, please include your name, email, and contact information.