Question Title

* 1. The learning objective is, that after participating in this live activity, the learner should be better able to:

Weigh the clinical implications of a temporal relation discovery system applied to the clinical narrative within the electronic medical record.

How well did this webinar achieve the learning objective?

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the article author(s)' ability to present the material clearly.

Question Title

* 3. Please rate the webinar moderator(s)' ability to engage the author and stimulate discussion of the material clearly.

Question Title

* 4. What changes do you anticipate making in your professional life as a result of your participation in this journal club interaction?

Question Title

* 5. "The webinar was free from commercial bias* or influence." (*Commercial bias is defined as a personal judgment in favor of a specific product or service of a commercial interest.)

Question Title

* 6. “Scientific studies cited in this webinar conform to the generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection and analysis."

Question Title

* 7. Use this space to make additional comments about this activity: