The Graduate Student Leadership Committee is sponsoring "Chat with an Expert" at the 2019 Annual Meeting. If you are a student or postdoc attending the meeting, we welcome your participation. Student and Postdoc registration will be open through Tuesday, February 12, 2019.

Prior to visiting this registration form, you should have reviewed the PDF file on the SOT website containing information on the 2019 Experts. From these PDFs, you should have selected up to three choices using the appropriate code (A1, H3, K6, for example). This registration form will provide you the opportunity to enter your choices and your contact information. (Note: The list below is very long; W2 is the final code listed). Click "Next" at the bottom of this page after selecting your codes.

This registration form is for Student and Postdoc registration only. If you are an expert toxicologist and still wish to participate as an expert, please contact the GSLC Programming Chair, Jamie Young:, or SOT Headquarters: