Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the ABPTS Specialization Academy of Content Experts (SACE). Information received through this brief application will assist Specialty Councils in making appointment recommendations. Current SACE or CCE members should not submit an application.

Per ABPTS policy, the following criteria are considered in the selection of qualified applicants for SACE: ABPTS board certification in requested SACE specialty area (excluding those applying for new oncology specialization); willingness to complete an online training course on item writing; submission of one sample item that will be considered during appointment decision; willingness to attend the Item Writing Workshop training at the 2018 Combined Sections Meeting in New Orleans, LA, for new item writers; years of experience as a PT and as a specialist; clinical background and areas of expertise; geographic diversity; primary professional position; past item writing/exam development experience; and other academic and professional credentials.

Completing all application requirements, including completion of the online course and submission of one sample question will require about 60-80 minutes of your time. You will be able to partially complete an application and come back at a later time. The application must be fully completed and submitted by April 30, 2017.

If you experience any problems or have questions, please contact Sonya Rome at 1-800-999-APTA ext. 3227 or at