1. Quarterly Reports for Mentoring Programs (Q2, 15-16)

50% of survey complete.
Thank you for taking the time to complete the Iowa Mentoring Partnership's Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Quarter 2 Report. For this survey, please report on the months of October, November, and December of 2015 no later than midnight on Friday, January 29, 2016.

Completion of the IMP Quarterly Report ensures your program's continued certification status.

Every Monday until the due date, the IMP Coordinator will send verification to programs that their report was received.

If you wish to retain a copy of your quarterly report, please print this page for your records before advancing the page and submitting the survey.

If you have any questions or concerns please e-mail Mary Sheka at mary.sheka@iowa.gov.

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* 2. Name of person completing this report:

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* 3. Please provide your e-mail in order to send verification of report receipt (please use primary IMP contact information)

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* 4. Current number of active mentoring relationships in your program:

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* 5. Current number of youth accepted to the program and waiting to be matched:

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* 6. Number of new mentoring relationships your program started in October, November, and December of 2015:

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* 7. Number of matches closed in your program during the months of October, November, and December of 2015:

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* 8. Who Mentored You?  If you are willing to share the story of your mentor please indicate and we will follow up with you.

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* 9. Please list all counties served by your program

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To retain a copy of your responses, please print this page before proceeding.

To retain a copy of your responses, please print this page before proceeding.