Is there an individual who stands out as extraordinary from the schools in your territory? If so, nominate them for the Educator of the Year Award, presented by Teach For America! The winner will accept the award at the 2025 Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C. Nominations are due Friday, February 28.

Your nominee can be a school bee coordinator or a strong school bee supporter who may be a teacher, aide, librarian or member of the administration team. Their school must be enrolled in the 2024-25 Scripps National Spelling Bee program.

Each nominee can be nominated more than once. You may forward the nomination form to others at your school/district/organization.

Should your nominee be selected as a top finalist, they will be asked to participate in a Zoom interview.

Official contest rules can be found at

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* 1. About Your Nominee

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* 2. To your knowledge, how many years has your nominee been involved with their school spelling bee?

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* 3. Please describe how this nominee demonstrates dedication and effort toward their spelling bee program.

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* 4. How does this nominee go above and beyond the call of duty?

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* 5. Describe something unique your nominee does to help students study spelling or vocabulary.

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* 6. What is something special your nominee does to celebrate students’ success with spelling?

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* 7. Please share how the spelling bee program has been impacted by this individual’s contributions (such as a special story, a challenge overcome or a success they’ve achieved with their spelling bee program).

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* 8. Is the nominee affiliated with or a member of any teacher/educator associations? This is for research purposes only and has no impact on the selection process.

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* 9. Did the nominee ever participate in Teach For America? This is for research purposes only and has no impact on the selection process.

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* 10. About You