Who deserves recognition for elevating our industry?

This award honors an outstanding individual who is dedicated to promoting the industry and improving the awareness of assessing and managing property risk. To nominate yourself or another professional for the Industry Influencer Award, use the survey below to share details on how you (or the nominee) has championed our industry outside of his/her firm.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your information:

Question Title

* 2. Briefly describe the characteristics of the nominee that qualify him/her for this year’s Industry Influencer Award. Give an example (or examples) of how you (or the nominee) has shined beyond his/her environmental firm or financial institution, and demonstrated a commitment to championing the industry as a whole and the understanding of property risk management in the field. Examples may include, but are not limited to, education, public relations, outside articles or conference presentations. Be specific in terms of how these examples furthered the broader industry’s understanding of property risk management.

Please keep your response between 150-350 words.

Question Title

* 3. If available, please upload a high quality photo (300 dpi or higher) of the nominee here. 

JPEG, JPG, PNG file types only.
Choose File
Light Box has partnered with Zweig Group to judge award applications. If you have any questions please contact Christy Zweig at or (479) 445-7564