Instruction Page

Wyoming Statute § 21-4- 309 grants authority to the Wyoming Department of Health to conduct an annual audit of  the immunization status of any child enrolled in school in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed for the control and management of communicable diseases.  All children enrolled in child care and all students attending school must be up-to-date with their immunizations 30 days from the date of enrollment/school entry.  All children/students are expected to be in compliance, provisionally enrolled, or have a medical or religious exemption. By keeping our immunizations rates high, we are reducing the likelihood of vaccine preventable disease outbreaks.

This year we are collecting immunization data on all enrolled children/students.  If you are reporting for more than one school, please fill out separate Assessments.

There is a document located on our website that will help guide you through the Assessment.  The Guide to Completing the Immunization Assessment can be found at

If you have questions about the Assessment please contact Valerie Knepp,  by phone at (307) 777-8981 or email at

If you have questions about the Immunization Rules please contact Jude Alden, Immunization Unit Manager at or 307-777-6001.

You will have from Saturday, October 1st until Tuesday, November 1st  to complete the Assessment.

We appreciate your support and cooperation. Thank you for your time and effort in the collection of this valuable information.

Valerie Knepp, RN
Clinical & AFIX Specialist

Length of time to complete the Assessment will vary depending on the data sources available and the number of children in the school.
11% of survey complete.