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The WHO Patient Safety and Risk Management Unit, at WHO headquarters, is hosting a three-day global consultation (24-26 February 2020) to kick off development of the Global Patient Safety Action Plan.

The Global Patient Safety Action Plan is a commitment from WHO, international health agencies and Member States to organize and roll out definitive action to reduce the overall burden of patient harm due to unsafe health care.

Aligned with the Sustainable Developmental Goals, the plan will be a roadmap for “A Decade of Patient Safety: 2020-2030”.

To aid with this, we are looking for information from our Members on how well incident reporting is in place, around the world, and if the outcomes improve the 'no blame no shame' approach.

This survey is organised in partnership with the International Hospital Federation (IHF).

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* 1. Does your organisation have an Incident Reporting System in place?

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* 2. How are incidents investigated?

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* 3. Is there a learning process in place, in relation to incidents?

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* 4. How do you learn? (Close the Gap etc)

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* 5. How do you know that there have been changes?

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* 6. How do you involve your patients in the process?

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* 8. Name of your organisation (optional)

Thank you for taking part in this survey. The answers you provide will be collated and shared with the International Hospital Federation for the completion of a joint report.
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