1. Effective Program and Curriculum Development Workshop

April 5 & 6, 2017
Location: Cleveland, OH.
Application Deadline: February 28, 2017.
NOTE: We have reached capacity, new applications will be placed on a waiting list.

Presented by:
Futures Without Violence, in partnership with U. S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.

Futures Without Violence’s Institute for Leadership in Education Development offers a 2 day, hands-on workshop that will help OVW grantees to design education/training programs that incorporate effective, interactive adult education methods.

Workshop Learning Objectives
As a result of this workshop, participants will be better able to:
  • Identify different styles in which adults learn and the impact on education program design and team or individual problem-solving.
  • Develop and employ a process for assessing education/training needs, designing program components, and drafting a program outline.
  • Describe the importance of learning objectives and develop specific objectives for education/training programs.
  • Define culture and cultural competence and incorporate discussions of culture issues during education/training programs.
  • Create a variety of interactive, adult learning activities that can achieve learning objectives while addressing all learning styles.
  • Incorporate effective audio/visual aids, including PowerPoint slides.
  • Prepare a comprehensive curriculum outline to guide faculty and document programs.
Hon. Marshall B. Murray, Judge, Children’s Court Center
Jennifer White, Program Director for Curriculum Development and Program Design, Futures Without Violence
Juan Carlos Areán, Program Director, Futures Without Violence

Who may attend?
Attendance is limited to 40 participants representing OVW grantees, including advocates, attorney-advocates, batterers intervention specialists, prosecutors, law enforcement, judges, and other professionals. Participants must agree to attend all workshop sessions as a condition of acceptance; the workshop begins Wednesday, April 5, at 9:00 a.m. and concludes Thursday, April 6, at 5:00 p.m.

Grantees are strongly encouraged to participate in teams of 2 or 3 persons to obtain the maximum benefit of the program. Persons or teams interested in participating will need to submit an application for this training, with each individual applying separately and noting other team members in the space provided.
Costs and Additional Information:

This education program is provided free of charge.  Please note that participants are responsible for their own meals, lodging, travel arrangements, and costs associated with attending the program and most OVW program managers require that participants obtain approval of their attendance.  Hotel accommodations are available at the program rate of $134.00 plus 16.50% tax per night.  Detailed information on the hotel will be provided upon confirmation of your application.
Note: Please do not make any travel arrangements until you receive a confirmation letter

Question Title

* 1. Please fill out this application. Please note that your registration is not confirmed until you have received an acceptance letter.

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* 2. Please check your discipline category:

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* 3. Please list your team members who will be applying to attend the training. Each individual team member must also fill out an application form.

Accessibility Needs:
Please provide accessibility requirements in this section.
Every effort will be made to accommodate advance requests; on-site requests cannot be guaranteed. Reasonable accommodations will be provided during meeting sessions. Referrals for assistance outside of the meeting can be made available. Please contact Mónica Arenas at marenas@futureswithoutviolence.org with any questions or for more assistance.

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* 4. Are you traveling with a Personal Care Attendant (PCA) or Personal Assistant (PA)?

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* 5. You are responsible for making your own hotel reservation. However, by providing us with information on the type of room you need, we will be able to check with the hotel to make they meet your room request. Please indicate which room type you require from the following list:

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* 6. Please select any additional accommodations you require from the list below. If you require something that is not listed, please indicate your request by selecting “Other” and providing us with specific information about your request in the comments box. We may contact you for further information, if necessary.

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* 7. Please indicate your interpreting needs from the list below:

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* 8. Please tell us of any additional accommodations you require for the meeting sessions, including physical accommodations during the training. Be as specific as possible.

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* 9. My project receives funding from the following Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) grant program. Please check all that apply to your organization.

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* 10. Training Agreements:

* NOTE: Your application is not confirmed until you have received an acceptance letter. Please do not make any travel arrangements until you receive a confirmation letter.

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For additional information please contact Monica Arenas at 415-678-5519, E-mail: marenas@futureswithoutviolence.org.

Please send your completed registration form to:
Futures Without Violence, Attention: Mónica Arenas
100 Montgomery Street The Presidio, San Francisco, CA 94129
PH: 415-678-5519 |Fax: 415-529-2930| E-mail: marenas@futureswithoutviolence.org

Note: This education program is provided free of charge.  Please note that participants are responsible for their own meals, lodging, travel arrangements, and costs associated with attending the program and most OVW program managers require that participants obtain approval of their attendance.  Hotel accommodations are available at the program rate of $134.00 plus 16.50% tax per night (federal per diem rate for Cleveland).  Detailed information on the hotel will be provided upon confirmation of your application.

Meals: On your own.
Thank you for submitting your application for the I-LED "Effective Program and Curriculum Development Workshop." We plan to start sending confirmations and logistical information the last week of February. We hope to have the final OVW approval by then.

Please do not make any flight or other travel arrangements until you hear from us that OVW has approved the program and that you have been accepted as a participant. Also in the interim, please ensure that your OVW program manager has approved expenditures from your award to attend the workshop.

Note: If you attend the workshop as an individual rather than as part of a team from your organization (or related to your work), you will be assigned to a team for work during the workshop. The assigned team will need to select an agreed topic for which they conduct workshop activities to develop the beginnings of an education or training program. For this reason, we encourage participants to form their own teams that can focus on a topic of mutual interest.

This project was supported by Grant No. 2015-TA-AX-K067, awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.