Thank you for your interest in Iris House's 20th Annual Women as the Face of AIDS Summit on Monday, May 5, 2025. This year's theme is Legacy, Leadership, Liberation: The Evolution of Women in the Movement

This is the online application to propose a session you want us to consider for the program. You may submit more than one abstract. Deadline - Monday, February 24, 2025

Please fill out this survey as complete as possible to help us communicate with you and to put together a detailed summit journal. We will be using the information here for marketing purposes and logistics.

If you have any questions now, or throughout this process, please contact Kimberly Richardson, Manager, External Communications at 646-548-0100 x221 or

Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Lead Presenter Name, Title & Organization.

Question Title

* 3. What is the full title of your session?

Question Title

* 4. Due to long session titles, we may need to truncate yours to fit in allotted space. Would you please give us a shortened version (approximately 30-40 characters) to use in marketing materials? (The full version you listed above will appear in the journal)

Question Title

* 5. Format of your presentation.

Question Title

* 6. Will you be using a visual aid to augment your presentation?

Question Title

* 7. How many presenters/panelists do you expect to use?

Question Title

* 8. Please list your presenters, with titles and organizations exactly as you would like it listed in the journal. For example, "Ingrid N. Floyd, M.B.A., Executive Director and Kimberly Richardson, Manager, External Communications, Iris House."

If more than one person represents the same organization, you may put the organization once at the end.

If you have a panel, please include the names and affiliations of all panelists. If you do not know all names, please use all that you know and add "and other speakers" at the end.

Question Title

* 9. What is the Expected Audience for Your Session?

Question Title

* 10. OBJECTIVE: Describe the purpose and outcomes the audience will gain from your presentation.

Question Title

* 11. METHODS:  Briefly describe the information you will present, and the
methods or strategies used in the program.

Question Title

* 12. Lead contact's name, email address and cell number.

Question Title

* 13. Second presenter's name, email address and
cell number.

Question Title

* 14. Third presenter's name, email address and cell number.

Question Title

* 15. Would you like us to put anyone else at your organization on the list to receive information? (Your Executive Director or Board Chair, for example?) Please list their name and email address below.

Question Title

* 16. Do you have any other questions or needs that we can help you with?