The Education Committee is charged with providing IFRT members with professional development opportunities. The purpose of this survey is to identify the professional needs and interests of the IFRT community so that we may design a relevant and meaningful array of educational activities for 2020 and beyond.

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* 1. Choose the top three reasons why you participate in professional development.

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* 2. How do you usually find out about professional development opportunities?

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* 3. Which method of professional development do you prefer?

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* 4. If you were to participate in an online professional development program, which would you prefer?

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* 5. Please indicate which professional development formats are most appealing to you. Check all that apply.

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* 6. What time of year is the best time for you to participate in professional development? Please specify.

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* 7. Please choose five topics related to intellectual freedom in which you are interested and enter the instructional level that you would seek: Beginner (B), Intermediate (I), or Advanced (A).

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* 8. Besides the topics listed in the previous question, are there additional topics that would interest you? Please suggest ideas in the space below.

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* 9. Would you consider creating and presenting a professional development offering for the Intellectual Freedom Round Table? Why or why not?

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* 10. If you answered “yes” to the question above, which topics would you be interested in presenting ? (If you are interested, please contact Danielle Hartsfield of the IFRT Education Committee;

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* 11. Can you recommend any colleagues who could serve as speakers or presenters for the IFRT’s professional development offerings? Please tell us their names.

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* 12. Please tell us about a program you attended that you found particularly meaningful. What made it stand out to you?

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* 13. Where do you live?

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* 14. What is your profession?

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* 15. How many years of experience do you have in the profession?

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* 16. What other organizations are you a member of?

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* 17. Do you have any other comments to share concerning your professional development needs?